APRIL 2017
Our book The Two Fairies was reviewed on page 23 of Notebook (Winter 2017 Issue), which is the official publication of Multiples of America also known as the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. or NOMOTC.
There was an article about us in the new edition of Lingo Newydd October-November. / Roedd erthygl amdanon ni yn rhifyn newydd Lingo Newydd Hydref-Tachwedd.
JULY 2016
There was an article about us and our latest two books The Two Fairies and Y Ddwy Dylwythen Deg in the South Wales Evening Post.
There was an article about us and our latest two books The Twins' Christmas and Nadolig Yr Efeilliaid on the Twinsclub website.
There was an article about us and our latest two books The Twins' Christmas and Nadolig Yr Efeilliaid in the South Wales Evening Post on 10th November 2015.
Our book Duplicate Dreams was reviewed on page 22 of Notebook (Summer 2015 Issue), which is the official publication of Multiples of America also known as the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. or NOMOTC.
MAY 2015
The May 2015 edition of Take a Break magazine (Bumper Issue) included an article about hypothyroidism in which my twin sister and I have been interviewed.
On Friday 12th December 2014, we were interviewed for BBC Radio Nottingham. The interview took place at approximately 1.40 pm during the 12.00 to 4.00 pm Afternoon Show.
In the same month, we were also featured in an article on the Thyroid Nation website.
There was an article about us and our latest book Duplicate Dreams in the Wales on Sunday newspaper on 16th November 2014.
JULY 2014
There was an article about us and our book The Twins' Tale in the Wales on Sunday newspaper on 6th July 2014.
Our novel Three Times the Trouble was reviewed on page 15 of the magazine Harmony (Volume II, Issue IV, 2013), which is produced by the charity Thyroid UK.
JUNE 2013
In June 2013, we were mentioned on page 6 of the magazine Harmony (Volume II, Issue III, 2013), which is produced by the charity Thyroid UK.